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domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Bulling, battering y mobbing

-El bullying es el matrato en el colegio, no solo físico, sino también verbal, o emocional.
-Battering consiste en mandar sobre otras personas mediante la intimidación, la fuerza o el miedo. Puede ser de muchos tipos: económica, sexual, usando niños,...
-Mobbing es el acoso laboral. Sufren violencia psicológica, pero no solo por parte de sus jefes, sino también por sus compañeros. Puede llegar hasta agresiones físicas.

Los tres conceptos tienen en común el maltrato por medio del miedo y la violencia física y psicológica.

-Bullying is the harassment somebody does to other peopleat school. It can be physical, emotional or verbal.
-Battering lies in givieng orders to someone using the intimidation, the strength and the fear. It can be emotional, economic, sexual, using childres,...
-Mobbing is the harassment that somebody does at work. People receive psychological violence not only by the coss, but also by others partners. Sometimes it can produces physical attacks.

These three concepts have something in common: the harassment using the fear and the physical and psychological violence.

-Le bullying est l´harcèlement physique, verbal ou émotionnel au collège.
-le battering est ordonner sur autres personnes moyennant l´intimidation, la force ou le peur. Il peut être de plusieurs types: économique, sexuel, en utiliser des enfants,...
-Mobbing est l´harcèlement dans le travail. Ils supportent de la violence psychologique, mais ne seulement par le chef aussi par les copains. Il peut arriver á les agressions physiques.

les trois concepts ont en commun l´harcèlement au moyen du peur et de la violence physique et psychologique.

10 comentarios:

  1. Use highlighting devices. leave more space between lines. make your posts MORE SINTHETIC..
    There is something specific about BATTERING...find it and add it!!!

  2. wow¡¡¡ esta muy bien prados, se nota que has trabajado mucho en este post.

  3. Hi Fran! You write in French too and I think this is a good idea. I believe that you should put another wallpaper more colourful, it could improve your blog's appearance. Try it ;)

  4. Hi Fran! I´ve just read your blog and I can see that you have written it in 3 different languages. It´s cool! I really like it, however, you can try to increase the size of the letter, beacuse it´s really small.

  5. Hi Fran! Very good control of the three languajes, if you used a bigger letter, it would look even better.

  6. hello fran i like your post and you have written in 3 languages that it´s cool

  7. Hi Fran! It's a blog very interesting and the content is very good and true,but I think that the background can be best.

  8. Hi Fran! the content is very good and you have written in 3 languages, good job!

  9. Your post have information clear and precise. Very good Prados!
