¨Royals¨ es una canción cuya letra es bastante interesante. En ella habla de que la riqueza, el dinero no da la felicidad. Ella sueña con tener éxito en su vida y poder alcanzar la cima.
¨Royals¨ is a song which letter is so interesting. She says richness, the money don´t give the happiness. She dreams of succes in her life and can achieve the top.
Su álbum debut, Pure Heroine, fue nominado al Grammy, en cuatro categorías.
Ella Maria Lani Yelich-O'Connor known by her artistic name Lorde, is a New Zelander songwriter. Her first disc, The Love Club, was launch in november of 2012, and her first single, "Royals" debuted inthe number one of top 40 in New Zealand and it reach the number one in the Billboard Hot 100 by nine weeks.
Her first album, Pure Heroine, was nominated to Grammy in four categories.
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