He elegido este párrafo ya que me ha gustado mucho como hace una reflexion en la que expresa el pensamiento de que la primera vez es mejor que ninguna y cuando ya te ha ocurrido algo varias veces, ya no lo disfrutas como esa primera vez. Es una opinion con la cual estoy de acuerdo completamente y por eso la he elegido.
Yo creo que Grace es una mujer mayor, aunque no demasiado, de unos 50 años que expresa sus sentimientos de amor y añoranza hacia ese amor que vivió en su juventud, o narra sus pensamientos tras un trauma pasado. Creo que Grace es rubia con el pelo corto, muy sensible e introvertida y, por ello, escribe en el blog para desahogarse.
Me gusta mucho la foto de fondo ya que expresa como es la vida, un camino muy trabado en el que al final te conoces a ti mismo ( espejo) y te das cuenta de todo.
There are dresses that can only be put once in life and however contend you on dressing him again hoping to be as happy as the day you put it the first time , to put it back you discover that you do not feel so good and it would be sacrilege to put it back and let it loses its magic , because there are dresses that are much more than that and hang it back in the closet with clothes that are just clothes ...
I have chosen this paragraph because I have liked how he/she makes a reflexion in expressing the thought that the first time is the best one and when you have something already happened several times , you don´t enjoy it as that first time . It is an opinion with which I agree completely and so I have chosen.
I think Grace is an old woman , but not too much, about 50 years who express her feelings of love and longing to love that lived in his youth , or narrates his thoughts after a past trauma. I think Grace is blond with short hair , very sensitive and introverted and therefore, she writes in the blog to unburden.
I really like the background photo as it expresses how life is , a locked way where in the end you know yourself (mirror) and you realize everything.
The comment that I have done in Grace´s blog is on a post of 2005 called "El vestido de Marilyn"
You´re the sensitive type... great empathy..congratulations on your values....
ResponderEliminaryou´re a worthy one!!!
great opinion...good job fran!